Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Stone Wall and Steps, Bonnieux, Provence

This centuries-old wall forms the entrance to a small shady park perched high on top of the beautiful town of Bonnieux.


Midori Yoshino said...

Is it watercolour?
Stunnning! I like your style.

martinealison said...

Un merveilleux travail de jeu de lumière et d'ombre... Vos couleurs sont aussi délicieuses... me croyez-vous si je vous dis que j'entends les cigales ?!...

Gros bisous.

Susan Abbott said...

Merci, Martine and Hani Hani. Yes, this is a watercolor. I decided to paint without a preliminary pencil drawing, just using the brush, and trying to keep the shadows dark enough yet luminous. Mostly a triad of quinacridone coral, quinacridone gold, and ceruleun blue--with some alizarin crimson and cobalt blue added at the end.

Dibbs said...

Fab as usual Susan

Susan Abbott said...

Thank you, Dibbs. Miss you here!

Sergio DS said...

Me gustan las texturas de los muros y las sombras.
Bonita acuarela.

Robin Rosenthal said...

Beautiful painting. Love the colors, contrasts, and composition.