Thursday, January 26, 2012

Walking Up (Middlebury), in progress

From establishing the drawing and values to laying in first colors, I find the early stages of a painting both the most exciting and most uncertain parts of a long process.


Trade Your Talent said...

Very nice painting, I'm glad I discovered it!

KARLITOS said...

Buenas texturas y mejorando el contraste .

Sandy Graeser Haynes said...

Sue, What an exciting painting. I can't seem to take my eyes off of it. The composition is flawless. I love the way the street leads the eye around. Love it ! Is it oil? Do you work from photos?

Susan Abbott said...

Thank you for writing, Sandy. Yes, this is oil. I work from photographs, sketches, and watercolor studies. I end up altering color, editing, and simplifying as the painting proceeds. This has a ways to go--I'll post it finished probably in April.