Thursday, December 27, 2012

Road through the Village, Winter

A view of my village of Plainfield in the dramatic, rosy light that one sometimes sees for just a few minutes at the end of a winter day.

Available from Gallery North Star.


Unknown said...

Another fabulous painting!

Ross Lynem said...

What a lovely piece! The lighting is quite something. Beautiful!

martinealison said...

Un très joli tableau... Un très joli travail de la lumière et une très belle harmonie de couleurs. J'aime votre village.
gros bisous

Susan Abbott said...

Merci, Martine!

Susan Abbott said...

Thank you, Ross. The lighting and color in this painting went through many permutations. I have to remind myself often that painting is an unpredictable process!

Susan Abbott said...

Many thanks, Laurie!