Sunday, May 29, 2011

Sunday Sketchbook: Paris

Two weeks ago, a glass of mint tea in a sunny Paris cafe--and today a flooded basement and long to-do cleanup list in beautiful but soggy Vermont...


Unknown said...

no sketch of the flooded basement?

ann @ studiohyde said...

OMG! sorry to hear about your cleanup...hope all can be resolved.

William Ternay said...

I am a fan of all of your works, Susan. In particular those loose and always lovely and gutsy and seemingly casual water colors. And your drawings. I've been a courtroom artist (among other art endeavors) for over 40 years, and truly enjoy, as you seem to, capturing the essence of a moment in the lives of our fellow humans.
Thanks for sharing.

Susan Abbott said...

William,thanks so much for writing. I've always been a fan of courtroom reporters! Need confidence in your drawing to do that work. Thanks also for your comments on my watercolors. Now that I'm back to also working in oils, it's been interesting seeing how my approach changed to that medium after all my years of painting very directly with watercolor (though, you are right, not "casually", as watercolor is too unforgiving to permit that...)

Susan Abbott said...

Thank you, Ann. I'm reminding myself that our flooded basement, though a mess, isn't much compared to what others are going through this spring. Plus my husband has kindly offered to take charge of the clean-up, since I am working on a painting commission!

Susan Abbott said...

Miriam, every time I come home from a trip with my sketchbook, i resolve to draw as much at home as i do on my travels. But then I find that the flooded basement isn't as inspiring as the Luxembourg Gardens...but really, I should be drawing the damn basement--it's not about inspiration, the point of a drawing discipline is about paying attention to the good, the bad and the ugly, right? OK, I am heading down there today...stay tuned for next week...