Monday, May 9, 2011

Journal: Big Clouds Over Seine

After a walk through the Bastille I found a quiet place to sit and paint on a quay at the tip of the Isle St. Louis, where I had a view of the changing sky and a red barge gliding quickly into the distance.


Candy Barr said...


martinealison said...

Très jolie aquarelle d'un endroit que je trouve toujours très agréable à s'y promener...
J'aime beaucoup votre ciel qui domine...
Gros bisous

Susan Abbott said...

Thank you, Martine and Candy! Glad you like this...

Anonymous said...

We will be on Ile St Louis on Saturday for week in Paris..Hope to see many of these views...

Fay Akers said...

I'm enjoying the looseness of this piece.

Marta Benicá said...

Lindo seu trabalho. Marta.