Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Colors of the Batey Exhibit and Fundraiser

Last November my son Colin and I traveled to the Dominican Republic to deliver $4,500. we had raised to help a Haitian community there install a safe drinking water system. (You can read about our project here.) While we were there, Colin photographed and I painted and drew, with an eye towards continuing our fundraising for the community.

We are now having an exhibit of these paintings and photographs from the Batey Libertad at the University Vermont's Davis Center. You can see the show (including prices, purchase information and my sketchbook from the trip) online here.

We are donating all sales from the show to the Batey Libertad Fundacion to finish the safe water project. Please email me at for more information, or to make a donation! Even a little help goes a long way.


Unknown said...

There is an excellent play of light in this painting. Great work!

Jerry Stocks said...

So glad you made me aware of conditions in the Batey as well as shared your beautiful paintings.

Susan Abbott said...

Thank you, Tim, glad you like this painting!

Susan Abbott said...

Jerry, I appreciate your comment. I think the Haitians do deserve better, both in the Dominican Republic and in their own country.