Sunday, December 26, 2010

Sunday Sketchbook: Family

My son Colin is about to leave for four months on his own in South America, and it's got me thinking about the many times he's ventured off into new territory: sleeping in a strange bed on our first night in Paris when he was four, trying out a new interest (the violin was one that didn't stick) and today, finishing up a lengthy to-do list before he catches his plane for a long adventure away.

1 comment:

martinealison said...

Lorsqu'on attend un enfant on ne songe pas qu'un jour il partira, lui...
Tant de moments pourtant passés ensemble et trop vite passés...
Certains souvenirs restent et votre croquis me fait penser à tous ces instants passer avec les miens, grands à présent et loin de la maison...
Bisous à vous