Friday, May 22, 2009

Town, Spring (in process)

Sitting in the sun in Bristol on the first warm morning.


Anonymous said...

I love seeing your oils in progress and how you work in thin layers of brilliantly colored paint on a toned surface. The light effects you accomplish are amazing. I would love to see a show of your work all together, all seasons, town and country, covering all walls in a museum.

Sandy Maudlin said...

Exquisite colors and value changes. LOVE this painting.

Susan Abbott said...

Thank you, Jana and Sandy. I'd like to see all of these "Elements of Place" paintings together in an exhibit, too. They'll be touring the state for a year with the work of the other artists in our "Art of Action"project, but few of the venues will be big enough to show all of the paintings. I may do a book of mine at some point, so the whole series can be seen in one place (and will also have a section on my website showing all of the completed "Elements" paintings.)